Quality Systems, Microbiology and Food Management Systems Consulting 

Food Safety Consulting

We can help you manage or develop your food safety needs through a Food Safety Management System to include programs like Sanitation & Hygiene, Environmental Monitoring, preventive controls, etc!

Environmental Services

We have a team of scientists ready to help remove mold and other harmful bacteria from your building and/or testing for harmful bacteria using accredited labs. Our team of sanitarians has the knowledge and ability to remediate mold.

Maybe you're a farmer and need pond water sampling plan. Or maybe you're a food manufacturer or restaurant who need help testing for and removing pathogenic bacteria like listeria or E. Coli. We're here to help! We have the knowledge and experience!

Developing Programs to Meet Regulatory or GFSI Requirements

Need to get SQF, BRC, GGAP, PGFS, FSSC certified? Don't understand the new FSMA changes? Need help getting your facility USFDA, USDA, CFIA or EFSA compliant? Contact us and we'll help you navigate through the requirements for your farm, storage and distribution facility or your human food or pet food manufacturing facility. 

Move your business to the next level

© 2019 OMEGA Consulting & Food Safety Services.. PO Box 436, New London, NC 28127                                                      info@omegafss.com   
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